Saturday, April 8, 2023

MOVIE REVIEW: 'Here Comes the Groom' Taps Similar Story from Director's Earlier Work


The first soul swapping movie that really made me laugh was Tom Hanks' 'Big' and since then, there has been a long list of similar movies with different iterations - from Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday to Angelica Panganiban in 'Here Comes the Bride'.  While I was watching 'Here Comes the Groom', I was trying to remember what local movie used Magnetic Hill and the similar car crash scene.  I thought it was one of the Kimmy Dora movies, but after Googling, it turned out to be an earlier work of director Chris Martinez, 'Here Comes the Bride'.  I remember how hilarious that movie was in the adept hands of Angelica Panganiban.

Enchong Dee does a similar spirited approach to the similar predicament his character is experiencing, but this time, another four pairs of actors switch souls, allowing each of the brilliant cast of the movie to show their acting prowess.  My favorite of course, is Keempee, who is from my generation.  His work here reminded me of Nathan Lane in The Birdcage.  Kaladkaren who switches with Enchong is also quite convincing as a male barako, considering she has to be in women's clothes acting as a man and totally downplaying her supposed femininity.

Eugene Domingo, who seems to be Martinez's muse is as funny as ever, this time, as a grandstanding public official, and I can sense hints of sarcasm in the movie as her actions parody the shallowness of today's politicians.  She's always a joy to watch.

Everybody in the cast has great comedic timing and I have read how the younger fans are raving about Maris Racal and Awra.  Even Tony Labrusca, the only one in the cast who had to look serious, looked quite convincing as the closeted best friend of Enchong Dee's character.  Their scenes together will surely make many gay men happy - what with those two guys' impeccably chiseled bodies!

Fino Herrera, whose video has been a hot tip in the gay Twitter community, looks quite hot here as well, sana pinashirtless din sya LOL but he does look stockier here than in his controversial video.

Kuya Kim reprises his role here as the person who saves everyone's souls and brings order back to their lives.  

It is a riot of a movie and if you are looking for something carefree and funny and light, this movie is your go to movie this summer MMFF.  

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