Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Personal Thoughts: 49 Days to Avoid Jail

I had another court hearing yesterday for my estafa case, and I was happy that the judge did not let the prosecution continue with the presentation of their witness. Thank you Lord!  I am happy they gave me another chance to raise the remaining 1.8 million left to pay until October 11.  

That is 49 days till I go to hell.  Whew!

I admit I am a bit overwhelmed but all I could do is find ways to raise the money with the help of the properties left by my paternal and maternal grandparents.  I know it is not going to be easy but it is probably the biggest challenge I have ever faced in my life.

I was already able to raise the 1.5 million part of the 3.3 million settlement, but that took months!  So good  luck na lang to me to raise the 1.8 million in just 49 days.  Lord, I will need your help here big time.  Just this big sword of Damocles hanging near my head is something that makes me freak out.  But I have no time to be weak or feel sorry for myself.  

I have to be strong for the kids, for Mama, and Vic, please help!  Please give me ideas on how to raise the amount pronto!  Challenge accepted!


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