Monday, August 23, 2021



I have always been fascinated as to how writers and directors have been tweaking the zombie apocalypse template as every year, more than a dozen movies and TV shows keep coming out from different countries like South Korea, Canada, and Germany - all having their own take of a very familiar storyline.

I never get tired of it though.  The zombie apocalypse genre is up there for me in the first choice of movie and TV show that I want to watch.  I don't know why I am so fascinated with it knowing fully well I will never be able to survive that scenario because I don't have the survival skills of the characters in those stories.

This brings us to South Korea's latest offering of this genre - from the same production team that brough to us the very entertaining Train to Busan.

Peninsula stands on its own though and it doesn't have any link to that big box office behemoth.  But the template is still the same - and this time, with a group of interesting characters - more women and girls and more vicious male characters.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie - but not as much as Train to Busan.  My wants in a zombie movie apocalypse is very simple - make life harder for the humans - and give me a lot of wonderfully choreographed chase scenes.

This movie delivers on both counts.  Although the special effects look more like CGI though.  Otherwise, it uses some of the moral compass that can be found in the Busan movie.

Even during the end of the world, the corrupt are still as dirty as ever - which makes for an exciting watch.

If the zombie apocalypse is your cup of tea - then go and watch this movie.  There are many fast-paced actions scenes that will surely bring you to the edge of your seats.

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