Thursday, March 3, 2022

MOVIE REVIEW: 'Death on the Nile' Fails to Make Us Care

Kenneth Branagh is on a high these days as his movie 'Belfast' is omnipresent in all the major awards and even if he does not win any of them, at least his nominations as well as that of the movie's secure his place in filmography even more, adding to an already impressive list of top quality movies.

So it is a pity that his work on 'Death on the Nile' arrives stale and boring.  I was very excited to watch this movie, enthralled as I was with 'Death on the Orient Express'!  I thought I would be getting another exciting caper, this time, in the exotic region of the Egyptian Nile.

The stellar cast was also another plus point - or so I thought - with Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer - and my favorites - Eddy of Absolutely Fabulous and French Saunders.  They both get intriguing parts in the movie but none of the characters really stuck with me and as the movie unfolded, I became to care less about what happens to each one of them and I promptly slept through part of it.

Even Laura, my niece, whom I watched the movie with was beside herself in boredom.

Somebody dies in the movie and it has something to do with getting the inheritance and destroying a long-held friendship.  But I was just bored by the dialogue I tuned out.

However, I love love love the costume design and how graceful the characters moved in their fabulous clothes as their boat brought them to different places in the Nile.

Other than that, I think the special effects were too obvious and the characters failed to click with the audience, including me, which is fatal in a murder story.  Since I did not care about what happens to anyone, it was easy to drift away from the movie.

Well, I will leave it to you if you want to watch this movie, especially if you are a Hercule Poirot fan or an Agatha Christie fan.  Just be warned that it may bore you - so take coffee before watching it, otherwise, you may doze off like me.


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