Thursday, September 7, 2023

Gay Love: Should I Still Date Now That I'm in My 50s

 Now that the kids are already teenagers and are spending more time with their friends than with me, I am beginning to entertain the question that I might, just might start dating again.  I am 52 years old now and my last boyfriend was ten years ago! 

I decided to quit the gay dating market because I was just exhausted from kissing too many frogs, and the break-up as well was quite painful.  I did not want anymore to go through that type of pain ever again.

So, I was mulling, what if I actively date again?  I have been getting some queries in my Facebook dating and I do get the occasional glance from the guys in the gym.  Sometimes, I wonder why they would be interested in me but you know, 'the look' can be a loaded way of saying, "Let's get to know each other more".

Anyway, I might as well take the step after this Holy Week and get to know each of the guys in my FB dating, at least the ones who do make sense in the chat.  The younger guys do look yummy but they are poor conversationalists, LOL. I have invited two for coffee already and I think that is a good start. 

I also like this athletic guy and he has been a bit receptive to me lately.  My friends have been egging me to go out with him and see how it goes from there.  

Anyhow, lots of nice possibilities if I do open my mind and my heart to meeting new guys.  I have no expectations but for each date, I will always put my best foot forward. 

Good luck to me.  Please pray for my safety as well LOL

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