Monday, September 4, 2023


 *  This is just a writing exercise in a course I am taking. All of these are my personal opinion.

I think it cannot be helped that we do tend to have crushes even if we are in a relationship.  I don't think it detracts from the kind of love we have for the person we are with, it may just be part of a passing fancy or boredom or the adventure of something new.  

However, I think it should be something we keep in full secrecy, from everyone in our lives.  Except maybe for our journals or diaries because if it is revealed, the results may be catastrophic, depending on whether the person you have a relationship with is a war freak.  

In my experience, I am easily found out when I do have a 'crush' on someone because my eyes and my mouth sometimes betray me.  But since it is just harmless and are often with guys who will most likely not give me the light of day, it often stays that way and is rarely talked about.

The trouble may only commence if we do something about it and we should remember that we should only make a move on the crush if we want to rock the boat.  We should also be ready for the fallout that follows.

Otherwise, if it stays at just being a crush, best to leave things in a status quo and just enjoy the crush when the opportunity is there.  It would be best too not to act on the feeling - like going out on a date or do a one night stand because doing so would make things seem more icky and guilt may consume you, especially if the person you have a relationship with has not done anything bad to you.

So if it's just a crush, best to make it remain there - in that place of your brain or your heart.  To complicate things will only invite disaster, and unless you want a major shakeup in your personal life, ignorance, on the part of the other person in your relationship, would be bliss for him or her.  And peace in your relationship and daily life.

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