Saturday, September 23, 2023



Threats to our personal freedoms may not seem to be in danger in the current state of the Philippines.  However, there are some cracks in the seam which if we do not address, it might steamroll into us losing more of our freedoms in the future.

First is the random red-tagging.  If you make some comments against the government, you are then red-tagged or seen as a supporter of the NPA - which is absurd.  Communism is already laos and armed struggle is not something many people would want to support.  People should be able to continue express their views.

Second, the military is getting more brave in taking activists and hurting them.  I am not a fan of Communism and the ideas of the NPA but I believe that people should be able to save the environment, protect the interests of the poor, or point out government profligacy, like asking for huge confidential funds which they do not even have receipts to show how that money was spent.  If that's not stealing for them, then our country will continue to slide down into oblivion, bogged by the corruption in the government.

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