Friday, January 10, 2020

Tony's Movie Review: Impressed by the Candor of Kalel 15

Kalel 15 is an advocacy film about HIV but the film is so good, it can stand on its own merits, without trumpeting its message.
The tragedy about the HIV infection in this country is that nobody talks about it in the LGBT community. And many young men are dying, left and right, and everyone just whispers the dreaded word.
Good thing that some producers are still making movies or a TV series on the subject. I recently watched Mga Batang Poz in IWant TV and they really nailed the subject. And it helps that a bunch of pretty boys played the lead roles. That should send a message to many pretty boys out there to wear a raincoat.
Kalel 15 though is a totally different beast. It's funny, irreverent, crazy and it has the great Eddie Garcia in a very cool role and when he first appeared on the screen, you could hear the audience GASP!
Such a waste of magnificent talent really because he died before he was supposed to tsk tsk
Anyway, his performance is one of the strong points in this movie. I love the way he plays it cool, detached, nonchalant but practical and generous.
The great Jaclyn Jose is also here and she brings down the house in one scene where drinks with her kids. She abruptly leaves the movie though.
Elijah Canlas is the best discovery in this movie. This kid is the anchor of this movie and he plays his role with just the right amount of innocence, guile, and pity.
This movie may look like poverty porn on the surface but it's beautifully directed and edited and the black and white cinematography just adds to its grittiness.
It shows sex among teenagers and drug use and although it was never fully revealed how Elijah's character got infected, the last frame could have been the answer.
The only scene which I did not quite like was when Kalel was groveling over what looked like sardines. This was when they were booted out of their apartment for unpaid rent. That scene could have been edited out because it's too melodramatic.
Tama na sana yung timpla until that point. However, kumabig naman agad and director, and the movie quickly moves along after that.
One thing I love about the movie is that it makes us all root for Kalel, even if he's been dealt the worst of cards in life.
When he spit on the statue of the crucified Jesus, I knew exactly how he felt.
As the movie ended, we know that he will survive and still have a life even with his disease. He's a fighter through and through.

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