Saturday, November 20, 2021

TONY'S MOVIE REVIEW: A Quiet Place 2 Loses A Bit of Its Bite


Just like Don't Breathe and its sequel, Don't Breathe 2 - A Quiet Place 2 loses a bit of its bite as the novelty of the original movie is now more clear to us and as viewers, we have learned how the protagonists can successfully deal with the monsters in the film.

However, this does not say that the director John Krasinski and his wife Emily Blunt do not deliver the goods.  The movie is as edgy and riveting as the original, it's just that, as the audience, we are already familiar with the workings of the monsters that our hearts don't go on overdrive like that great birth scene of the original movie.

Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the film, especially the last 30 minutes when Krasinski again utilizes the juxtaposition of the scenes of the different major characters - creating those knots in our stomachs as we watch each character find ways to save themselves from death.

There are new twists in the movie as Krasinski adds novel obstacles in the way adding more suspense and the great editing adds to the sense of urgency or dread, as the case may be.         

This movie was rereleased when the theaters here in Manila reopened and it should be seen in a big screen as opposed to a gadget.  It's a jolt and scare movie that is perfect for a huge canvas so go and see it in the theater, if you can.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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